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Prometheus client configuration

Command line tools that connect to a Prometheus server can take a file path in a --client.config parameter. This is useful to connect to a Prometheus server with authentication or self-signed certificates.

The file is written in YAML format, defined by the scheme described below. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional. For non-list parameters the value is set to the specified default.

Generic placeholders are defined as follows:

  • <bool>: a boolean that can take the values true or false
  • <filename>: a valid path in the current working directory
  • <secret>: a regular string that is a secret, such as a password
  • <string>: a regular string

The other placeholders are specified separately.

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every request with the
# configured username an.
# password and password_file are mutually exclusive.
  [ username: <string> ]
  [ password: <secret> ]
  [ password_file: <string> ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every request with
# the configured credentials.
  # Sets the authentication type of the request.
  [ type: <string> | default: Bearer ]
  # Sets the credentials of the request. It is mutually exclusive with
  # `credentials_file`.
  [ credentials: <secret> ]
  # Sets the credentials of the request with the credentials read from the
  # configured file. It is mutually exclusive with `credentials`.
  [ credentials_file: <filename> ]

# Optional OAuth 2.0 configuration.
# Cannot be used at the same time as basic_auth or authorization.
  [ <oauth2> ]

# Configure whether requests follow HTTP 3xx redirects.
[ follow_redirects: <boolean> | default = true ]

# Whether to enable HTTP2.
[ enable_http2: <bool> | default: true ]

# Configures the  request's TLS settings.
  [ <tls_config> ]

# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]


A tls_config allows configuring TLS connections.

# CA certificate to validate API server certificate with.
[ ca_file: <filename> ]

# Certificate and key files for client cert authentication to the server.
[ cert_file: <filename> ]
[ key_file: <filename> ]

# ServerName extension to indicate the name of the server.
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4366#section-3.1
[ server_name: <string> ]

# Disable validation of the server certificate.
[ insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> ]

# Minimum acceptable TLS version. Accepted values: TLS10 (TLS 1.0), TLS11 (TLS
# 1.1), TLS12 (TLS 1.2), TLS13 (TLS 1.3).
# If unset, Prometheus will use Go default minimum version, which is TLS 1.2.
# See MinVersion in https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#Config.
[ min_version: <string> ]


OAuth 2.0 authentication using the client credentials grant type. Prometheus fetches an access token from the specified endpoint with the given client access and secret keys.

client_id: <string>
[ client_secret: <secret> ]

# Read the client secret from a file.
# It is mutually exclusive with `client_secret`.
[ client_secret_file: <filename> ]

# Scopes for the token request.
  [ - <string> ... ]

# The URL to fetch the token from.
token_url: <string>

# Optional parameters to append to the token URL.
  [ <string>: <string> ... ]

# Configures the token request's TLS settings.
  [ <tls_config> ]

# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]

This page is derived from the Prometheus documentation which is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 © Prometheus Authors.